Beyond CRM and ERP

Aakash Ahuja
2 min readMar 31, 2022


Beyond CRM and ERP

Having good software helps. There is never a doubt about it. Question remains, what is good software? And what was good yesterday, is it equally good today?

Take softwares like CRM, ERP, HRM. In their very first avatars, they did a fabulous job of bringing all departments from paper to computerized records. It was not far-fetched to think that soon the departmental data could be shared across each other with ease.

The rise in efficiency was tremendous.

But then things seemed to plateau. Beyond moving software to the cloud, automated workflows, or some rudimentary intelligence, these softwares did little to evolve. In most cases, the price benefits of moving to cloud were not passed on to the customer.

Over the past 30 years, businesses, methods, process flows have undergone a world of change yet the CRMs and ERPs stick to their old rigid self, allowing little (and expensive) or no customization at all.

From a time where a manufacturing company could just call up a software vendor to come and install one at their premise, now they are faced with the obstacle of a monolith that does not align with their processes.

The software does not work for you. It makes you work like it pleases.

That is why most small and mid scale businesses are beginning to have specialized software designed as per their needs and protocols. These custom softwares are scalable and can accommodate any number of growing users, can have any new module developed and integrated with little or no cost, and can be deployed on cloud or in customer’s premises.

If the software development company has mature practices, experienced personnel then such development can not only be cost-effective, but also have lesser operating costs.

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